Welcome to the School of Logic!

We are so excited to welcome all SOL students and parents, both new and returning from the previous school year.School of Logic teachers are very delighted to teach, educate, and walk with you all in this new season of your child. Let's hope, pray and work together, hand-in-hand, for a wonderful school year ahead.

                                                                                                         Serving you in Christ,

                                                                                                     School of Logic Team Team

Selamat datang di School of Logic!

Kami sangat senang menyambut semua siswa dan orang tua SOL, baik yang baru maupun yang kembali dari tahun ajaran sebelumnya. Guru-guru School of Logic merasa senang bisa mengajar, mendidik, dan berjalan bersama Anda semua di musim yang baru untuk anak Anda. Mari kita berharap, berdoa dan bekerja sama, bergandengan tangan, untuk tahun ajaran yang indah ke depan.


                                                                                                         Dalam Kristus,

                                                                                                     Tim School of Logic